by 15.35 0 komentar
(August 22nd, 2018)

At 7 am we already in the bus and start to go to Pangasinan State University Lingayen Campus for attending The Opening Ceremony for SEA TEACHER and SEA-TVET participants.  We need for about 2 hours from Bayambang Campus to arrive in Lingayen Campus. 

When we walk to the Convention Hall of PSU lingayen Campus, we passed some students and they greet us and saying hello to us.  Most of them was very excited with us (SEA TEACHER'S STUDENTS from Indonesia and Thailand)  because we wore our traditional clothes from our country. 

Opening ceremony or you can name it by Orientation Program too. 

A few minutes aftering entering the PSU Convention Hall, the masterize of ceremony begins the agenda by greeting and praying together. In this special agenda, Dr. Sally A. Jarin was giving us the warmest welcome remarks to all of student teacher of SEA TEACHER which in the PSU. Dr. Sally A. Jarin is a Director International and Linkages in PSU. 

Dr. Manolito C. M as a VP for Academic Affairs gave us the Inspirational Message that very motivated us to do our obligation as SEA TEACHER'S STUDENTS with good. 

After that, one of PSU staff introduces all of SEA TEACHER'S STUDENTS  to all of audiences. When our name was called, we should come forward and standing on the stage to take some pictures together.

To amuse the audiences l,  there are some performances in this Opening Ceremony :
  1. Party Dance from PSU students
  2. Singing a song with collaboration singer from PSU student and one of SEA TEACHER'S STUDENT.
  3. Singing some traditional's song of Indonesia by SEA TEACHER'S STUDENTS whom in Bayambang Campus
  4. Dance Lagi Syantik by SEA TVET
In the end of Opening ceremony, PSU served our meal, I don't know it name but it tasted very good and unique. It was like a noodle from rice with some vegetables and boiled egg, and then there was 3 white cakes beside. 

After getting the meal, we went out to get our lunch outside the campus. Beauce Indonesian people feel like not eating yet before get the rice. 

When we feel full, we back to Lingayen Campus and we should make our ID CARD like another PSU students. 

Around 5 pm we back to Bayambang Campus and we feel so tired after a day full attending the agenda.

I wish that we can do our best here until our departure to our country...Aamiin



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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